How I publish this blog

Posted on Mon 07 August 2017 • Tagged with Development

It was 2015 when I finally decided to act upon my dissatisfaction with the WordPress publishing process and move to a different solution. I exported my posts and pages from its MySQL database and moved on to Pelican - a static site generator written in Python. Usually, when you hear “static site generator” you think of Jekyll. Jekyll is the static site generator people know of - the major reason for that being that it is used behind the scenes for Github Pages.

Jekyll is written in Ruby, however, and I have not put enough time into Ruby to be more familiar with it than exchanging some lines in existing code here and there. Python is my tool of choice and when a friend mentioned Pelican I was immediately hooked - even though it took me many months to finally put my plans into motion.

Back in the days: WordPress

WordPress had always struck me as being built for ease of use. It is heavyweight, can be deployed almost everywhere and its features are plentiful. There was one major pain point for me though: For a reason I have never figured out, none of the available native clients (e.g. Blogo, Marsedit) ever managed to show me more than my last few posts instead of a full view of all historical ones.

I frequently edit posts in the days after they are published. I fix typos, update the wording if I think it is bad after reading it again and sometimes add additional information. I consider publishing an article a bit like writing software or configuring a system. It often needs a little adjustment after it has been in use (or in testing) for some time. With WordPress that meant I had to go to the admin page every time to change something. The workflow was something akin to:

  • go to bookmarked login site
  • swear about login being insecure due to missing TLS deployment
  • log in
  • go to section “posts”
  • find the post in question
  • edit the post by copying the modified content from my local file to the website
  • preview the post on the site
  • save the post

I dislike the need to look for click targets, to scan for the relevant article in the list, the waiting between interactions on a slow connection. The setup screamed for some sort of automation but nothing seemed easy to set up at that point.

Uploading Pelican

Immediately after switching to Pelican for content generation, I found myself in the puzzling situation of having a blog but no easy way to publish it. A bit of investigation uncovered Pelican shipping with a Makefile that includes a ftp_upload target though. I configured this and added a ~/.netrc file so I didn’t need to type my password every time an upload was performed. This worked fine for a while. I even wrote a little bash aliases to run it.

source ~/.virtualenvironments/pelican/bin/activate \
  && cd ~/…/ghostlyrics-journal/Pelican \
  && make ftp_upload \
  && deactivate \
  && cd - \
  && terminal-notifier -message "GhostLyrics Journal published." -open "

It was in May 2016 that the lftp build for macOS broke. That means that after an upgrade of macOS I was left without a way of easily deploying changes to the blog. Pelican uses lftp because of some of its features like mirroring a local folder and updating only the differences instead of copying the whole folder recursively every time you kick it. I think I tried to publish with Transmit once or twice but it is simply not built for this task.

I was enormously frustrated and heartbroken. I didn’t write anything for weeks, instead hoping a solution would surface that didn’t require engineering effort on my part. However, the build remained broken and so did my FTP upload.

After being inspired I decided that the status quo wasn’t acceptable and went on to build a way that allowed me to simply run publish in Terminal and have everything done for me - reproducibly and rock solid.

Up comes Vagrant

In October 2016 I came up with a Vagrantfile that allowed me to publish from an Ubuntu machine via Vagrant. This worked around the author of lftp seemingly having little interest in building for macOS.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bento/ubuntu-16.04"
  config.vm.synced_folder "/…/ghostlyrics-journal", "/pelican"

  config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/.netrc", run: "always", destination: ".netrc"

  config.vm.provision "shell", env:{"DEBIAN_FRONTEND" => "noninteractive"}, inline: <<-SHELL
    apt-get -qq update
    apt-get -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 install -y --no-install-recommends \
      make \
      python-markdown \
      python-typogrify \
      python-bs4 \
      python-pygments \
      pelican \

  config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, run: "always", inline: <<-SHELL
    make -C /pelican/Pelican ftp_upload

In short: I use a bento Ubuntu box because I’ve had bad experience on multiple occasions with the boxes in the Ubuntu namespace. I sync the folder my blog resides in to /pelican in the VM. I copy the .netrc file with the credentials. The VM gets some packages I need to run Pelican and calls the ftp_upload make target. This also got a new bash alias.

cd ~/vagrant/xenial-pelican \
  && vagrant up \
  && vagrant destroy -f \
  && cd - \
  && tput bel

Now, if you only ever publish a few times, this works fine and is perfectly acceptable. If you intend to iterate, pushing out changes a few times within half an hour, you’ll be stuck waiting more often than you’d like due to the VM booting and reconfiguring. This was necessary to avoid conflicts when I work on different machines with the Vagrantfile being in my Dropbox.

Wrapping it up with Docker

Enter Docker. Now I know what you are thinking: “Docker is not the solution to all our problems” and I agree - it is not. It seems like the right kind of tool for this job though. Being built on xhyve and therefore Hypervisor.framework it is decidedly more lightweight than Virtualbox. When it is already running, firing up a container that builds the blog, uploads it and shuts the running container down again is very, very fast.

I built the following Dockerfile with the command docker build -t pelican . while in the directory containing the Dockerfile and .netrc.

FROM buildpack-deps:xenial
LABEL maintainer="Alexander Skiba"

VOLUME "/pelican"
WORKDIR /pelican
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

ADD ".netrc" "/root"

RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
      make \
      python3-pip \
      python3-setuptools \
      python3-wheel \

RUN pip3 install \
      pelican \
      markdown \
      typogrify \
      bs4 \

CMD ["make", "-C", "/pelican/Pelican", "ftp_upload"]

Again, I build on top of a Ubuntu Xenial machine, work in /pelican, copy the .netrc file and install packages. This time, however I install the packages via pip to get current versions. It is also of note that while building the image, one does not have access to files outside of the current directory and its subdirectory, which made a local copy of .netrc necessary. Furthermore, the paths for Docker volumes cannot be defined in the Dockerfile by design. Because of that, the new bash aliases is this:

docker run -v /…/ghostlyrics-journal/:/pelican pelican

This short command starts the container called pelican with the given folder mounted as volume into /pelican. Since I don’t specify interactive mode, the CMD defined earlier is called and the blog built and uploaded. Afterwards the container exits since the command itself exits. Quite an elegant solution, I think.