Image Dump: Mass Effect Datapad

Posted on Wed 21 March 2012 • Tagged with Video Games

Mass Effect Datapad

Please, let me demonstrate a part of the wrongness of Mass Effect Datapad for iOS. 1

  1. The iPad screen is huge and you are still unable to get 10 updates in there without having the user scroll? This is ridiculous. I’m reminded of Krystian’s commentary on Mass Effect 1‘s interface fails.
  2. The + Button links to facebook and twitter? What for? To see more? Why do we even pull @replies without context? Where does this whole screen make any sense?
  3. I especially like the “Show more” button. I haven’t tried it on the iPhone, but on the iPad it isn’t clickable. It’s simply text saying “show more” without any interaction. Great. /sarc

  1. The Screenshot above is taken from the iPad version.